The Dream

“Okay, I’ll speak to you later, love.” Orlando spoke silently into the phone.

“I like big butts and I cannot like lie. You other brothers can’t deny..” Orlando started singing, in which Britney started laughing out loud.

Orlando shifted and looked over at Britney. He was wearing a yellow trucker hat and a navy blue ‘Sex Pistols’ T- shirt and some jeans.

“You are so beautiful when you laugh.” He smiled at her, touching the hair.

“Thank you very much.” Britney imitated Elvis and snorted. Britney quickly put her hand to her mouth.

Orlando immediately broke down in a fit of laughter. Britney playfully slapped his arm again.

“Why are you so mean to me?” Britney pouted, shifting her body to the side where Orlando was.

Orlando put his arms under his head and looked at the starry night sky. Britney looked as his muscles on his arms flexed.

“I’m never mean to you, and you know that.” Orlando rolled his eyes.

“Whatever, I don’t know why I even like you.” Britney playfully said, crossing her arms on her chest.

Orlando faced Britney’s direction. “Because I am so fur-reaking sexy and you’re desperately seeking publicity, my love.” Orlando stuck his tongue out at her.

“Boy please! I made what Colin Farrell what he is today! My manager hooked him up with me for one-night and now he’s a freakin house-hold name!” Britney exaggerated, holding her hands up to a wide amount. Orlando cocked his eyebrow.

"So it was a publicity stunt?” Orlando said, his eyebrows traveling to his cap.

Britney looked sick at him. “Of course it was! I mean, gosh, if people would put 2 and 2 together, they would know that it was. I mean, some people are so stupid.” Britney said, talking loudly.

“What about Justin?”

Britney stayed quiet. She opened her mouth to speak, and the closed it, as if she was thinking. “That was real.” She sighed.

“You never told me why you 2 broke up. I mean, I know it’s none of my business.” Orlando spoke quietly. He shifted back so he was facing the stars again.

“It’s okay. The truth is that one day I heard these rumors, of him and his backup dancer, Jenna. And I totally just forget about it, because this wasn’t the first time rumors were made about us. I mean, we were freaking dead once!” Britney forced a laugh. Orlando looked at her intently.

“Yeah, so the rumors started getting deeper and deeper, and I started believeing them. When he would come over, we would barely talk, it just seemed like the love wasn’t there, you know. Then one day, I couldn’t take it anymore.” She sighed again, tears were stinging her eyes.

“I went to a club with Wade, my choreographer, and I walways have this jealous reaction thing about me so I started to cat stupid. And then when we left and he guided me home, he kissed me. And someone saw.”

Orlando eyes went wide, but he stayed quiet. Britney attempted to blink back her tears so Orlando didn’t see it.

“And I didn’t want to kiss him, which is why he was fired. Justin found out, we had shouting matches, and I broke up with him.” Britney said, and she broke down.

“And then these rumors start to surface, and people automatically think that I’m a home wrecker and think I’m a whore because of the outfits I wear, or what they hear about me from the tabloids."

“Yeah, It happens to many celebrities. We sorta have multiple personalities, like I wouldn’t exactly walk around town in stuff I would wear on stage or in photo shoots you know.” Britney bit the inside of her cheek.

“I mean, I’m not a role model. And people frequently tell me that I’m a slut, or that I should watch what I’m doing, and all the other shit they say. It just’s..” Britney wiped the tears from her eyes.

Orlando looked sadly at Britney, and he put his arms under Britney’s shoulders. Britney immediately started bawling into his shirt.

“And Orlando, I just want you to know that I won’t EVER cheat on you baby. I love you too much and if I lose you-“ Britney didn’t finish. She cried into his shirt, sobbing loudly. Orlando had tears in his eyes too.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked anything.” Orlando sighed, quieting Britney.

“No, no, it’s okay.” Britney stifled her sobs, rubbing her eyes and trying not to cry.

"No honey, I said I was sorry.” Orlando kissed her forehead, rubbing her arms. Britney quieted down, and she put her arm under Orlando’s back and looked straight at the stars.

“I’m crying and Diane Sawyer isn’t even here.” Britney said quietly and Orlando laughed. Britney smiled at him.

“I’m so over-emotional. I’m such a goob.” Britney said, rubbing her eyes and sighing to herself.

“It’s okay, I love you too much, even if you are a goob, or a dork, or a goofball.” Orlando smiled at her. Britney started lightning up.

"You look so beautiful when you smile. So all you have to do for now on is smile for me, and I’m a happy camper.” Orlando said, grinning ear to ear at Britney.

Britney tried to hide her smile, but she couldn’t. She bursted into a fit of giggles, and Orlando started tickling her. Britney couldn’t control her laughter; she tried to swat him off of her. But he was too strong, sitting on top of her, and started tickling her. Britney then stopped laughing, and looked up strangely at him.

“Hey, when you came home, you have yet to take off your hat.” Britney said, cocking her eyebrow this time.

Orlando’s eyes grew wide. Britney stretched her hand out and took off his hat. She gasped at what she saw.

“Okay, now I’m breaking up with you.”
