The Dream

“Okay, I’ll speak to you later, love.” Orlando spoke silently into the phone.

Britney smiled, even though she knew Orlando couldn’t see her. “Okay, don’t have too much fun tonight without me, okay?” Britney giggled.

“Aww..then I guess I can’t invite my girlfriends with me. Party pooper!” Orlando teased.

Britney put her head back on her pillow, and smiled. “Night night babe. I love you!” Britney whispered silently.

“Love you too, love.” And they both hanged up.

It was night time, around 10 pm and Britney was pooped. She had tour rehearsals in the morning, and she needed all the energy she can get. She closed her eyes, and immediately fell to sleep.

The mall.

A car.




Britney gasped. She immediately woke up, it was morning. She put her hand on her forehead, and she felt the sweat dripping all over her face. She quickly got up from the bed and went to the mirror and she looked at her reflection, and she saw the dark circles under her eyes. She quickly ran to her cellular phone and called Orlando.

“Hey Hey Hey!” Orlando laughed into the phone.

“Orlando! Something terrible is going to happen!” Britney breathed out on the phone.

Orlando’s eyes grew wide. “Baby, what’s going on?”

“I had a terrible nightmare baby, I just..” Britney had tears in her eyes. The dream felt so real, and so awful. She started sobbing.

“Baby, what’s going on? Tell me!” Orlando said urgently.

“I had a bad dream about my sister!”

Orlando rushed inside the house, and saw Britney talking on the phone. She seemed okay, and she hanged up. Britney made a quick sigh of relief. She ran to Orlando and planted a kiss on his lips.

“Are you feeling better? Who was that? You sure you want me to leave so soon? If you want, I can cancel-“

“Calm down Orli, I’m okay. Jamie is okay, my mom is okay, I just called them. It turned out to be just a stupid dream. I should be the one who’s sorry.” Britney sighed, looking him in his eyes.

“No, it’s okay. Look, let’s just get your stuff and go to the tour rehearsals, I’m excited about seeing it.” He said with fake excited ness, trying to cheer Britney up and change the subject.

After the tour rehearsals, it was late and Orlando and Britney arrived home safely. Britney stretched and yawned out loud, while Orlando carried the two coffee cups and bags from the car into the kitchen.

“I’m heading to bed, my whole body hurts like hell.” Britney moaned, placing her hand on her neck.

Orlando took a sip from his cold coffee and nodded. “I’ll be up in a second. Hey, check the answer machine before you hit the sac.”

Britney rubbed her eyes and made her way to the counter, where the phone and answer machine was. She saw that it had 2 messages. She pressed the play button softly.

"Hey Brit! This is Larry, just wanted to tell you we need to go over the –"

Britney mimed like she was talking like Larry, rolling her eyes at the same time. Orlando chuckled in the background. Britney fast-forwarded the message to listen to the other one.

“Britney! This is your mom, this is urgent, call me as soon as you get home!”

Orlando heard the message too. Both Orlando and Britney’s eyes were huge. Britney’s heart was pumping, and she quickly picked up the phone and dialed her number.

After two rings, Lynne, Britney’s mom, answered it. She was sobbing.

“Mom? What’s going on? Why are-“

“Britney, wherever you are, you need to sit down.” Lynne stifled a sob.

“Mom, tell me what’s going on? Why are you crying? Did Dad do anything-“ Britney began shaking. She was afraid of what she was going to hear.

“Jamie Lynn went to the mall with her friend Krystal, and her mother. Jamie and Krystal fell asleep in the backseat of the car on their way home, and so did Krystal’s mom, who was driving. The car swerved and collided into a tree. They are all-“

Britney was in tears, and immediately started sobbing. Everything she said was like the dream she had. She dreaded the word she was going to say next.

