Orlando Britney Quiz
Orlando Britney Quiz

Welcome to The Perfect Couple: Orlando & Britney Quiz. I hope you'll have fun answering all these questions and getting to know their facts as well. Anyway, for the tie breaking question. The answer is between Orlando Bloom & Britney Spears. Have fun!;)




1. "Shall I describe it to you? Or would you like me to find you a box?" - Who said this line?
A. Will Turner (Pirates Of The Carribean: The Curse of The Black Pearl)
B. Prince Paris (Troy)
C. Legolas Greenleaf (Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King)
D. Legolas Greenleaf (Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers)

2. Which Britney Spears' album sold over 1.3 million copies in its first week of release?
A. "Baby One More Time"
B. "Oops! I Did It Again"
C. "Britney"
D. "In The Zone"

3. Which actor/actress has Orlando Bloom NEVER worked with?
A. Naomi Watts
B. Josh Hartnett
C. Colin Farell
D. Liv Tyler

4. Which actor has NEVER been 'romantically linked' with Britney Spears?
A. Wade Robson
B. Stephen Dorff
C. Jared Letto
D. Ben Affleck

5. What is the name of Orlando Bloom's sister?
A. Samantha
B. Sandy
C. Britney
D. Lucy

6. Which is the MOST SUCCESSFUL Orlando Bloom's movies in America?
A. Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
B. Pirates Of The Carribean: The Curse Of The Black Pearl
C. Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King
D. Black Hawk Down

7. Which Britney Spears' singles didn't go to the No.1 spot in UK Chart?
A. "Oops! I Did It Again"
B. "Born To Make You Happy"
C. "Everytime"
D. "Me Against The Music"

8. Where is Orlando Bloom from?
A. United States of America
B. England
C. Ireland
D. New Zealand

9. Which celebrity has NEVER worked with Britney Spears? (incl. songs, albums, performances)
A. Beyonce
B. Justin Timberlake
C. Christina Aguilera
D. Mandy Moore

10. What is the title of the FIRST book Britney Spears has OFFICIALLY released?
A. Stages
B. A Mother's Gift
C. My Story: Britney Spears
D. Heart To Heart

Whose line is this: "She said I was a mistake."

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